Blockcast’s Interview with Kohei Kurihara, Co-founder of CollaboGate

"Collaboration is key element, deployment of decentralized society"

blockcasts interview with CollaboGate scaled
blockcasts interview with CollaboGate scaled


Blockcast: Hi today we have Vivienne Ji on our interview. First of all, can you do a brief introduction of yourself? Your experiences, and how you got into the blockchain industry.

Kurihara: Hi I’m Kohei Kurihara, known as Kohei. I’m based in Tokyo, Japan. My background is marketing, and business development, social media and network management in active.

I have started my first business in 4 years ago, since developed international inclusion and business collaboration. While I was studying in the university, I also used to work at politics office and experienced with public affairs.

Blockcast: What is your project name? And what is the main objective of your project?

Kurihara: Our project name is CollaboGate, co-founder and with me. CollaboGate is decentralized collaboration platform, gathering local diversified talented and incentives them to work for cross-border projects. So far, we have started indigenous coomunity assebly, Tokyo and London, researched industires and blockchain project with voluntary network.

We believe that business styles transits with project making and talent acquisition, so that we should be writing our contribution on blockchain database, and leaving it as smart resume with mutual evaluation.

We also provide educational workshop and content distribution for Japanese enterprises, moreover partnering strong network with international professionals.

Personally, I’m in charge of Government Blockchain Association in Tokyo, non-profit organization based in Washigton DC, satellite chapter of Japanese management.

Blockcast: What is your views on the current crypto market?

Kurihara: I’m forecasting the market incrementally, becomes interested in blockchain technology from enterprises and government more altogether. Therefore, it will have to develop educational communities across multiple industries beyond single communications. We define the collaboration is brand new dialogues between adaptor and producer.

In order to implement function properly, taking balances each other and leading great direction. CollaboGate is going to take this role and practical roadmaps into real market.

Blockcast: Anything else you’d like to share with our viewers?

Kurihara: My visions is simply “Collaboration is key element, deployment of decentralized society”. We are welcoming collaboration request for future development technology together.

Blockcast: Thank you for your sharing today.