Apply to #Startup Battlefield and TC Top Picks at Disrupt SF 2019


Listen up, founders. We’re scanning the globe for the absolute best early-stage startups that want to make the absolute most of their Disrupt San Francisco 2019 experience. How can you do that? Apply now to participate in Startup Battlefield and our TC Top Picks program. One application puts you in the running for both opportunities — and it’s absolutely free.

Some call Startup Battlefield, our premier pitch competition, the crown jewel of Disrupt, and we agree. Simply competing — and launching your startup on a world stage in front of the industry’s most influential VCs and media — is a life-altering experience. Win the whole shebang, which includes a $100,000 equity-free cash prize, and you’re looking at a major game changer.

Applying to compete in the Battlefield is easy, but the competition is fierce. Any early-stage startup — from any country and any vertical — can apply, and it won’t cost you anything to participate if you’re chosen. Need more convincing? Check out our Top 5 reasons to apply for Startup Battlefield.

Our TC Top Picks program is yet another way you can gain tremendous exposure to the influential movers and shakers who make startup founder dreams come true. Applicants go through a serious vetting process conducted by TechCrunch editors with an eye for greatness.

Our discerning editorial team will select up to five startups in each of these categories: Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Biotech/Healthtech, Blockchain, Fintech, Gaming, Investor Topics, Media, Mobility, Privacy/Security, Retail/E-commerce, Robotics/IoT/Hardware, SaaS, Space and Social Impact/Education.

TC Top Picks receive a free Startup Alley exhibitor package — and a prime location on the exhibition floor, where you’ll pique the interest of thousands of attendees — and three complimentary passes to take in everything Disrupt SF ’19 has to offer. You’ll also enjoy the VIP treatment, with plenty of VC and media exposure. Case in point: you’ll be interviewed by a TechCrunch editor on the Showcase stage, and we’ll edit and promote that video interview across our social media platforms.

Disrupt San Francisco 2019 takes place October 2-4. What are you waiting for? Grab opportunity by the scruff, take your shot and apply right here for Startup Battlefield and TC Top Picks.

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