Artist Woopsyang and The Five Collection releases: NFT for the first time

Artist Woopsyang and The Five Collection releases:  NFT for the first time


The NFT work of Woopsyang, the organizer and creator of the popular ‘Space Out Competition’, who started as a painting artist and is widely known to the public, will be unveiled for the first time. Woopsyang is a visual artist who uses various media such as painting, participatory performance, installation, and publication. The contest raises a question of ‘Is it really a waste of time to do nothing?’. It is a participatory performance that makes you look at the negative view of doing nothing with a new perspective. In particular, a well known rapper of Korea, Crush, became a bigger issue as he became the winner of the competition.

Through these NFT works, Artist Woopsyang presents it as a new work as the data she has accumulated over the past 8 years. These works will give a glance at the value of the futility of the Space Out Competition, and present the way of finding joy in it. In particular, <Uncontacted> is a video work that contains the faces of contestants who participated in the 2018 Space Out Competition. It is a work in which their indifferent faces pass quickly. Through a paradoxical contest in which people gather in one place and do nothing to win a contest, the value of unproductive activities is unraveled with delightful rhetoric. In the busy time passing by, how much time we continue to ‘rest’, is the core message of the contest.

Jaeyeon Chung, the curator of The Five Collection, said, “It’s interesting to watch a group of zoned out people from a third person’s point of view. Spending time in everyday life by doing nothing, and owning a work of art itself can all be an act of art.” She explains that It is considered to be meaningful enough not only to enjoy the luxury of Spacing out time, but also to possess it as a work of art.

The artist said, “As much as I did in the Space out Competition, I was given time to fully enjoy the spacing out time that I had not been able to notice and to fully enjoy that time without feeling guilty. I do hope that the viewers who watch the contest feel the same feeling of being at rest as the contestants.”

Woopsyang majored in industrial design and she is very curious about anything new and adventurous. In 2014, the participatory performance ‘Space out Competition’ received a lot of attention from domestic and foreign media and has since developed into a global competition. This year, the Space out Competition is going to be held on the 14th of May, at Wave Park Mio Costa, Siheung, Korea.

The Five Collection, a collective of curators working based on social trends, philosophy, and humanities with understanding of contemporary art, is an curated NFT art platform supported by ‘Pentasquare’, the blockchain professional developer that provides hyperconnect NFT solutions ( In addition, interactive communication with potential collectors is conducted through Twitter, Instagram, and Medium. The community builder of The Five Collection guides the value of NFT, which may be difficult to understand, selects works for collection, and provides explanations of works for a deeper understanding through online exhibition space.
