interview with Joseph, Chain Partners “The best way to predict the future is to create it.“

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CF8B5A24 E76C 4F03 88A8 E417AE4D636A scaled

Loading Good morning Joesph. Please give an introduction about yourself.

Joseph: I relocated to Korea to join the blockchain industry in Korea during the blockchain boom in 2017. I worked in the alternative investment industry back in Hong Kong with a focus on private equity and hedge funds. Presently, l am the regional consultant at Chain Partners who covers the Asia Pacific region. I work on investment research and advise institutional investors on OTC deals and other institution-grade investments. Can we know more about your company?

Joseph: We are Chain Partners, one of the leading blockchain accelerators and incubators in Korea. We develop, invest and incubate blockchain projects. We are also one of the block producers of EOS. Can you share your views on the current cryptocurrency and blockchain market?

Joseph: The prolonged bear market in 2018 has led to behavioral bias in the retail space, e.g. investors are not responding to positive development in the industry but from time to time overreact to negative news(some are indeed unproven rumours).  However, some institutional investors consider that this is the right time to make investment in the infrastructure with a more reasonable valuation. I believe it is the right time to invest in the infrastructure, such as exchange technologies, AML/KYC platforms, and other institutional-grade custodian services. Although these investments may not lead to immediate positive upside in the market, it will lay the groundwork for healthy development of blockchain ecosystem when the market is back to normal. Can you provide a quote or what you believe in for the readers?


The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Rather than hoping that the blockchain ecosystem will evolve and develop itself, I believe that incubators and venture capitals in the space system have an important role to develop best practice in Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing in the blockchain space. In particular, best practices in the governance part will help reduce counterparty risks, e.g. requiring projects to make more and better disclosure on their technologies and business model to reduce the level of information asymmetry between investors and the project team. Social investing will help maximize the impact of blockchain technologies on the society. Environmental investing may provide the blockchain industry a new way to capture and create values to the economy by focusing on using blockchain technologies to tackle the pressing environmental problems in emerging markets (where cryptocurrencies are in general popular too).