’s interview with Nathan Sun: “Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technologies will continue to grow rapidly.”

“In Math We Trust” s interview with Nathan Sun Co founder Chief Operation Officer of Qbao Network s interview with Nathan Sun Co founder Chief Operation Officer of Qbao Network

Loading Hello Nathan, Welcome to Blockcast! First of all, please introduce yourself.

Nathan: My name is Nathan Sun, theunder & Chief Operation Officer ofbao Network.
I have years of experence of IT industry, and a senior blockchain expert. I am also the co-founder of ethchinese, qtumchinese and blockchain classroom. Can you tell us more about Qbao Network?
Nathan: Qbao Network is a smart crypto wallet with cryptocurrency exchange, digital asset management, online & offline payments system, instant message, and a Dapp store. Qbao Network is designed as a comprehensive blockchain ecosystem platform and the gateway to the blockchain world. Qbao Network application is available on Android, Google Play & IOS App Store, which attracts more than 5 million registered users worldwide. The token of Qbao Network, QBT is listed on twelve crypto-exchanges including, Exx and more. Can you share your views on the current crypto market?

Nathan: The current bear market may last a long time. In such a bear market, many projects and Tokens will die. But blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies will continue to grow rapidly, attracting more honest entrepreneurs to participate. I am still firmly optimistic about the future of the industry. Anything else you’d like to share with our viewers? Like a quote?

Nathan: Quote from Professor Shou-Cheng Zhang
“In Math We Trust” We hope to hear more from you soon. Thanks for the time.