Racingland to revolutize the traditional horse racing industry

liao yizhen
liao yizhen


The Hong Kong Jockey Club has confirmed its first historic mainland China race meeting at Conghua Racecourse in China will take place on Saturday, 23rd March 2019 to provide a Hong Kong’s world-class horse racing experience for people in Mainland China.

(Photo Credit: Kenneth Chan, SCMP)

Five exhibition races, in total, will be run under the governance of rules of racing of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, with the participation of only Hong Kong-based horses, trainers and jockeys. On these exhibition races, all of the sampling, laboratory analysis, veterinary regulation and other controls in place will be based on a Hong Kong-standard.

Due to the regulations and policies in Mainland China, for this exhibition raceday, the Hong Kong Jockey Club will not provide gambling arrangements. The events will not be live broadcast. The broadcast of each race to Hong Kong will be a 15 minutes delay and one-hour delay for designated medias in the Mainland China.

“This is a historical step forward for China’s horse racing development after its official announcement to develop horse racing industry in Hainan.” Said Mr. Liao Yizhen, RacingLand Committee Member, “The development of China’s horse racing has been gone through a very tough journey, and today, we see the dawn this growing industry. Both China’s and overseas’ companies, organizations had already gotten ready to join this revolutionary development.”

“RacingLand has also started it footprint in China in Q4 2018, seeking for more partnership regionally. With a team of horse racing professionals, we are targeting to contribute our efforts in this new market by bring successful experience and help China’s horse lovers to get connected with the global market.” Liao added.

In the near future, people in Mainland China will be much easier to engage in horse racing. However, the range and depth of engagement is still very limited if we cotunnite to follow the traditional horse racing path. From an international perspective, about 70-90% of the horse bets are returned to the lottery, 0-15% as taxes, 5%-10% as bonuses and stadium operating expenses. Judging from the size of the $30 billion annual bet of 100 million people in Japan, if China’s horse is up to 500 billion yuan a year, then it can have a bonus of 250-500 billion yuan to encourage the horse owners to raise horses. The rewards that horse owners can get are not limited to this, horses with excellent performance on the field can charge high breeding fees and also can enjoy the benefits of horse appreciation.

Due to the limitation of cross-boundary transaction and communication, horse raising resources are mostly controlled by the upper class. However, this might change with the help of blockchain technology. RacingLand is a horse racing business based on the blockchain, which committed to creating the world’s first most transparent and open platform. There are multiple services provided on the platform that would create a horse racing eco system, including Horse Racing Media, Racing Ownership, Horse Exchange and Racing Game.

In addition, with the help of tokenized model, race tokens would be introduced onto the platform and would be known as “RACE”. With the implementation of these tokens, people can own a horse by purchasing the share using token and horse shareholders can also enjoy the benefits of sharing the bonuses of a race, tournament, as well as the appreciation of the horse. Here in RacingLand, owners or players can feel more at ease and engaged when using the platform and would also get the chance and experience to own their very own stallions and gain much joy during their period of ownership.


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