The Asia Blockchain Community, a brand operated under will be hosting an AMA session with Baby Aetheriuson 2 April 2022, 8.00 pm Singapore time (GMT +8) on Telegram Channel, Asia Blockchain Community (
BAETH 2.0 is a hyper deflationary token on Binance Smart Chainblockchain that will provide unprecedented investment opportunities and real use case, giving rewards to Aetherius holders. Baby Aeth2.0 serves as the rewards token for Aetherius along with having its own Play 2 Earn arcade game focused on bringing back childhood memories. Due to the gap in the crypto community, they provided a solution that will make even the aged individuals relive their childhood memories with their “one of a kind” arcade games.
The Asia Blockchain Community (ABC) is a community based run by volunteers in Asia. ABC understands the market well and is supported by a panel of blockchain and crypto experts and influencers. The community has hosted more than 50 projects in recent months.
You can also find out more about the project at