Bill Foster, Congressman, to speak on Libra and a U.S. Digital Currency.


On Thursday, January 23rd, Bill Foster, Democratic Congressman from the 11th district of Illinois, will be speaking at FinTank’s monthly Blockchain/Crypto group hosted by IIT, 565 W. Adams, in the Loop. Bill Co-Chairs the Congressional Blockchain Caucus on Capitol Hill, and he is the Chair of the Financial Services Committee’s Task Force on Artificial Intelligence.

The Congressman will speak on his concerns regarding Facebook’s Libra project and the need for the Federal Reserve to create a digital currency for the U.S. dollar. On September 30th of this year, Bill and Republican Congressman French Hill from Arkansas sent the following letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell:

“We are concerned that the primacy of the U.S. Dollar could be in long-term jeopardy from wide adoption of digital fiat currencies, it may become increasingly imperative that the Federal Reserve take up the project of developing a U.S. dollar digital currency.”

At the age of 19, Bill founded Electronic Theatre Controls which has over 650 employees and manufactures over half of the theater lighting equipment in the U.S. Installations include Broadway shows, Rolling Stones tours, opera houses, and Super Bowl half-time shows. In 1983, Bill graduated with a Ph.D. in physics from Harvard University. Subsequently, Bill worked at Fermilab for 22 years. Bill was first elected to Congress in 2008.

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