Bitcoin Wednesday Amsterdam – November 6th 2019


This edition will be an Old School Bitcoin Wednesday. Free admission, with…

an open evening of networking, with an open mike and free, interactive discussion on subjects related to Bitcoin, alternative cryptocurrencies and blockchain use cases.

Just like in the early years…

Walk-in from 1800 on, including drinks and networking. We will start at 1900.

If you’d like to sign up for the open mike, send a mail to hello AT

Bitcoin Wednesday

One of the best and longest-running regular Bitcoin and Blockchain conferences in the Netherlands.

Always held on the first Wednesday of every month.

An open and informal program for anyone interested in digital currency and the blockchain.

For Bitcoin novices and experts alike. Beginners, investors, entrepreneurs, developers, miners, traders, legal professionals — all find value in this event.

Brings together a diverse group of people from all levels and backgrounds without any barriers in order to give this important new technology a prominent role in Dutch society.

One of the goals of Bitcoin Wednesday is to promote the industry, to spread the word about Bitcoin (and related technology) in the Netherlands by raising the overall level of awareness and knowledge.