1) Dear Raymond, thanks for coming by. For a start, can you tell us more about yourself. Then please introduce your teammates too.
I am Raymond AKA @Stunningcoua, I am from the United States. I am an automaton, Robotics and controls engineer for a Korean automotive Manufacturer. I am the Tech/Programmer for Madagascar $Time. We have 4 full-time Devs on the Team Corey, Aka friendly Fossa who is our social media Dev he is from California, Ryan AKA @Theresiliantrockhopper he is our Marketing Dev Ryan is from the United Kingdom he takes care of all our Marketing our promotions and also handles the accounting. We also have Tom aka @hastyGeko and @Misterbettershiller who is our Shilling and copyright Dev he handles all our Shilling and handles the copyrighting of our brand. We are a worldwide team with a worldwide community to solve a worldwide problem.
2) What is Madagascar about? What do you stand for?
Madagascar $Time is a digital utility Token on the Binance Smart Chain, soon to be cross-chain with Eth and then Tri chain with Matic. We aim to buy $Time for the world and its inhabitants thru charitable actions and activities. We aim to give our holders a safe fun worldwide project to invest in make a good profit and do some good along the way.
3) Can you share with us your tokenomics?
2% Liquidity
2% Reflections
We call it the $TIME 5 2s.
4) Your purpose is obvious. What are your marketing plans to achieve what you want?
We have a Dev that has a focus just on Marketing and PR we plan to continue getting the word out for our project by smart investments with high traffic areas such as Dextools ads, Poocoin ads, constant Reddit CMS posts, influencers, News publications around the world and by word of mouth come to visit our amazing community they will all be happy to tell you about our project and are very active in promoting.
5) Are you working on any technology integration so to help with your mission?
Yes, we have added Games interaction to our website. We have a Madagascar casino now being developed for allowing an interactive fun way for our community to wage and play with possibilities of making a big win which any profits will be going to our tokenomics set up also we’re going cross-chain. We are working on a bridge-to-bridge ETH and BSC opening our project to another group of enthusiasts. We plan to send the Bridge and ABI contracts for audit on Tuesday. We will also be bridging Matic and possibly Solana depending on the interest of the community. In stage 3, we will be developing a $TIME swap where our holders can stake their $TIME for $SECONDS which will be a tax-free token making it eligible for big listings such as Binance that don’t allow for tax tokens.
6) What other plans do you have to increase funds to donation and do you have other streams of revenue?
Cross-chain, Innovation, Staking and always being on the edge of the newest technology. We champion the newest technology in the crypto space. Also, our $TIME casino in development will help generate lasting income and we will continue to expand on it. We are always listening to our community a lot of things we have done and are doing are a direct request from our communities we always plan to listen to our community.
7) What has the community achieved so far?
12,000 holders. We have planted 14,000 Trees 3 Donations to the Flood Relief efforts in China, 1 donation to an Endangered Species centre in China, 3 Donations to the Firefighting efforts in Turkey 2 Donations to the relief efforts In Greece 2 Donations to the Hurricane relief efforts in Louisiana and Firefighting efforts in Southern California and much more coming We have seen rapid growth and stable growth we have Persian group, Chinese group, Italian Group, Nigeria Group Myself and Another one of our now in Louisiana helping with the cleanup efforts from Hurricane Ida.
8) It seems like your core team members are in the West. Do you have any plans for Asia?
Yes, we have a Chinese Manager helping get the word out and grow the market in that area I also work for a Worldwide Korean Automotive manufacturing company And have spoken with many influencers in this area to get the word out for our project. We have marketing targeted and groups in the Filipino communities with massive marketing coming for the Asian community.
9) The crypto space is getting more regulated as we speak. Is this going to be an advantage for your project?
We are a fully legal company. Everything we have done down to our accounting is above par. Madagascar Time Limited is legally registered in the UK and Also expanding to get a legal setting in the United States allowing us to be an international LLC
10) Share an inspiring quote for our community please before we go for the next segment.
Time is not something we can ever replace or get back. That is why it is important that every minute to live a life for a bigger purpose and this is a life not wasted.
Remember this. “Our focus is helping to save the planet and its inhabitants”.