Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers

Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers


Demonstrate and explain the working principle of the new market-making model TWAMM designed by the founder of Uniswap and Paradigm’s research team from a mathematical point of view.

Written by: luffy

Recently, Paradigm research partners Dave White, Dan Robinson, and Uniswap founder Hayden Adams collaborated to design a new market- making model “Time-Weighted Average Market Maker” (The Time-Weighted Average Market Maker). According to its published article, TWAMM can effectively trade large orders on Ethereum . The working principle is to decompose long-term large orders into an infinite number of infinitely small virtual orders, and use the embedded AMM to smoothly execute these within a certain period of time. trade.

Regarding the mathematics involved in the virtual exchange of TWAMM , Dave White did not spend too much time in the article, and only gave a very simple mathematical conclusion at the end, which is very unfavorable for understanding the mathematical principles of TWAMM . This article will focus on the rigorous demonstration and explanation of the mathematical principles of TWAMM . As for the detailed design principles of the TWAMM model, you can go to the Paradiagm official website to view it . This article will not go into details.


Assuming that TWAMM requires N blocks to execute large virtual transactions, the pool that sells X is sold at the rate of x rate per block, and the pool that sells Y is sold at the rate of y rate per block. Therefore, the total amount of X sold during the entire period is x in = Nx rate , and the total amount of Y sold is y in = Ny rate .

At the same time, we embed the initial reserve x reserve and y reserve of this time period into AMM as x 0 =x ammStart and y 0 =y ammStart respectively .

According to the design of TWAMM , large orders are traded along with blocks. Each block sells x rate to get y out , or sells x rate to get y out . At the same time, AMM will update the values ​​of x reserve and y reserve . The whole process A total of N transactions.

It is worth noting that each block transaction of AMM always follows a constant product to make market.

Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers


First, after executing the transaction of the n-1th block, we assume that the x reserve and y reserve values ​​of the AMM at this time are x n-1 and y n-1 respectively .

Next, execute the transaction of the nth block, X-Pool and Y-Pool input x rate and y rate to AMM respectively, and command:

Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers

Because the x rate and y rate are very small, and the transaction AMM of the block follows a constant product market maker, we can get,

Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers


Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers

After obtaining the values ​​of x out,n and y out,n , we can further obtain the x reserve and y reserve values ​​x n and y n of the post-transaction AMM for n blocks,

Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers

Through observation, we found that x n *y n = x n-1 *y n-1 , which is exactly in line with the prerequisite requirements of AMM for market making with constant products.

Let x n *y n = x n-1 *y n-1 =…= x 1 *y 1 = x 0 *y 0 =k, which is a constant.

Fractional linear recursion

First obtain the general formula for x n , and obtain the value of x ammEnd = x N , and y n is the same.

Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers

The fractional linear recursive expression of y n is as follows:

Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers


First, if y in is equal to 0 and x in is not equal to 0, then

Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers


Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers


Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers


Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers

When x in is equal to 0 and y in is not equal to 0, the discussion is the same as above.

If x in and y in are not equal to 0, we can use the fixed point method to solve the general fractional linear recursion.

Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers

Further calculations,

Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers


The basic assumption of TWAMM is to decompose long-term large orders into an infinite number of infinitely small virtual orders, that is, N can take infinity, and the limit value of x N can be obtained at this time.

Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers


Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers


Hardcore: In-depth analysis of the mathematical principles of TWAMM market makers

Finally, after a simple verification x ammEnd *y ammEnd =x ammStart *y ammStart =k, it still satisfies the constant product of AMM .

At this point, we have completed the rigorous demonstration and explanation of the mathematical principles of TWAMM , and have reached the same conclusion as the article “Time-weighted market maker TWAMM .

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