Speaks to Franz, Co-Owner of Doge Cake “We say you can get Doge and Cake too!”


1) Welcome Doge Cake to the house! Please tell us more about yourself. I want to know your background, education, past careers and all.

Hello, well, my name is Franz, and I am the Co-Owner of Doge Cake. I started investing in Crypto Bitcoin specifically in 2014. I went headfirst into it, but it was a love and hate relationship for a while until I started learning how to read charts. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business from Birkbeck, University of London. I have an associate degree in Social Arts from Columbia College in Illinois. My career consists of working for a couple of private retailers and running my own business (reselling art and Rarible) to this day.

2) What is Doge Cake?

Doge Cake is a multi-dividend token that rewards holders in Doge and Cake.

3) How do multi-dividends work, and when will they show up?

How Multi-dividends work is similar to single dividend tokens; when holders hold a certain amount of Doge Cake (200k minimum), they will receive Dogecoin and Pancake tokens. The rewards are automatic, so they won’t have to claim them. They will show up automatically in their wallet every 60 minutes. Sometimes, it could be a delay simply due to volume, but we haven’t run into that issue yet.

4) What are tokenomics like?

Our tokenomics: 4% Doge and 4% Cake will be distributed to all holders every 60 mins based on volume. 3% distribution to liquidity from every buy and sell transaction. Also, 4% distribution to the marketing wallet (which we use to afford holding AMA with good companies like yourself and using for a buyback mechanism to cushion dumping/moonshots).

5) What are the Doge Cake Metrics?

5% was allocated to private investors to help fund the project. 60% of the liquidity supply is locked in Unicrypt. 32.2% of the total supply has burned, and 2.3% of the remaining is in the deployer wallet, which we tend to burn soon.

6) Tell us about your roadmap.

Our road map consists of cross-chain bridging and expanding our eco-system to not only be accessible on Binance. We have goals to expand to the ETH network, Fantom, Caranda, and Matic network. We will build the project big enough to share the same liquidity pool. We also want to create a Dapp where we will create staking coins that will also have special multi-dividend features when you stake Doge Cake.

7) What are your revenue streams?

Our project was originally funded by private investors but is now working solely on our marketing wallet. Everything done is from our marketing wallet accumulation and community.

8) What kind of utility do you foresee in the near future?

Some utility aspect I see is us paving the way for our multi-dividend staking coins that we will release soon. We aim to be the first multi-dividend token that will have multiply cross-chain bridges.

9) Creating a token is easy, making it big may not be easy. What are some of the problems you have encountered so far? What is the fun part too?

I wouldn’t say problems, but some issues we have encountered were running into a lot of scams and people overpromising performance. We are now quite selective, and my team is very experienced when picking the best of the best to work with. The most fun part is building an organic community, starting small and watching it get bigger and bigger every day. We didn’t have massive pumps, large liquidity starting, or 20k members initially. However, we have a dedicated community with us when we were 10k market cap to here now.

10) Share an inspiring quote to our community members, please.

You will never have financial freedom if you can not assist risk. Hold because you never know you might strike Gold.