In Conversation with Nicolas Weber, Founder of MetaGameHub DAO “Let’s foster decentralization within the Open Metaverse together”


1) Thanks for coming back to our community again. To be exact, this is the third time. For those who are new to MGH, please give a quick intro about yourself and the project.

Thanks so much for having me again! It is always a pleasure to come back to the Asia Blockchain Community. My name is Nicolas and I am an early stage crypto investor, writer, philanthropist, podcast host and entrepreneur. I was part of the founding team at Amazing Blocks, Founder and CEO of DAC and Founding Initiator of MGH DAO.

Additionally, I am the Co-Founder of the Tokenization Working Group at the European Blockchain Association. The project I want to talk about today is MetaGameHub DAO which is focusing on the convergence of DeFi and the Metaverse as well as building an ecosystem of decentralized governance and LAND management. We kind of like to describe ourselves as the door to the Open Metaverse as our tools will help to navigate through the virtual world with for instance our LAND pricing algorithm to allow fair NFT price estimations.

2) Can you tell us of any team changes since we last met?

As the entire MetaGameHub DAO community can be considered as the team, I would like to highlight that we grew from approximately 300 members to now almost 1000 within 1 month. Furthermore, we have added various advisors to the advisory council of MGH such as Wolfgang and Tomal from Detecon (Deutsche Telekom Consulting arm), Simon Peters – the CEO of Decus (DeFi Custody provider), Sagar Barvaliya of the esteemed Blockchain Incubator Blockrocket who has a great network in the crypto space, Legal Advisor Biyan Mienert who has been dealing with DAOs since 2017 and many more interesting faces such as Harald Horrmann who has over 25 years of experience in supporting major corporates like BMW or Audi with consulting and more.

3) I love your Sandbox Land Evaluation tool on the main page, can you tell us how the algorithms work?

Thanks so much for the positive feedback! The algorithm has definitely gathered quite a lot of attention from The Sandbox community. This Friday we are for instance hosting a Twitter Spaces with Co-Founder Sebastien Borget. The algorithm itself and how it works can be seen in the following presentation:

Generally, it extracts LAND pricing data from multiple sources via e.g. Coingecko and Etherscan APIs as well as from neighbouring LANDs. This data is then sent to neural networks which are continuously updated which then provide the pricing data that is subsequently adjusted by daily medians. Whoever wants to find out more, provide feedback or be involved feel free to contact us!

4) Again, I love that you guys are vesting into Sandbox land, how do you see the impact this so far on your community with the price of the Sandbox rising?

The Sandbox is a huge part of our ecosystem. Before I dive deeper into this I do want to clarify though that the goal of MGH DAO is to actually aggregate across various metaverses rather than focusing on one. The Sandbox is the low hanging fruit and the entire community is very excited about the upcoming releases of within The Sandbox. Due to our collaborative approach with The Sandbox, we have gathered a lot more traction. It helped that they for instance also promoted our tool and generally MGH DAO on their channels. We have also now launched The Sandbox LAND Detective account on Twitter which posts daily price metrics and undervalued LANDs.

5) I see that you are starting your voting has opened as of recently, how has it been used so far and how are you seeing the results?

Voting is a core pillar of every DAO. Therefore we obviously wanted to launch this as soon as possible. Thus far we have had very interesting votes about LAND acquisitions, a short term roadmap with the major milestones, a project with a german university and more. Everyone can check our governance here: Voting is definitely increasing community engagement and will seriously foster the decentralization of the project.

6) Your expansion to the Cosmos ecosystem is interesting too. Can you give us more details about this?

We are strong believers in interoperability. Cosmos provides amazing tools for this. At this year’s Cosmoverse Conference in Lisbon I held a keynote on how MGH is approaching Cosmos. You can check it out here: (it is time-stamped). Through our plan for Cosmos we will have more MGH tokens locked up and further utility for the token. Why? Well we will launch an MGH-native chain using Cosmos’ IBC standard with the bridged MGH token as the incentive for validated transactions. This chain will serve the Cosmos Hub with on-chain pricing data which can be used in DeFi Protocols, for NFT marketplaces, the GameFi space and more.

7) You were able to get listing on coin market cap, and follow up with coin gecko within a short time period, how did you find those things impacted your token and community?

These listings really lead to a lot of traction for MGH DAO and the MGH utility token. The attention and new members we gained through this have been incredible. We were eagerly waiting for the listings and them happening so shortly after each other was a unique moment which made us all very proud. The community engagement also skyrocketed. We are now back in “buildl” mode to welcome all new and future members with great tools to manage the metaverse.

8) As the Metaverse grows and new projects open will you be allowing the community to vote on what projects you guys take on as partners?

Yes, that is absolutely part of the plan. Any decision that is made and that affects the MGH DAO will be sent to the community to vote upon. It is crucial to follow the guidelines of a DAO and be as decentralized as possible. At MGH DAO we strive for this and therefore we have for instance also made a community vote about the short term roadmap including the recent and future product launches.

9) Chainlink node will be the backbone of the new price oracles, enabling you to supply data directly on-chain and sell it to smart contract applications, can you tell how this benefits your holders too?

Through the Chainlink node the DAO curated pricing data can be sold on-chain on the Chainlink marketplace. Consequently, this will generate revenue for the MGH DAO treasury which can then be reinvested into the further development of the Open Metaverse, Education and more LAND acquisitions. Also, the on-chain data can be leveraged once the MGH DAO’s NFT Pools go live to earn passive income with your NFTs as well as gain exposure to a pool of NFTs with fair pricing.

10) Inspire us with a ‘WOW” quote to end off this segment, please.

Let’s foster decentralization within the Open Metaverse together by

1) combining our resources,

2) decentralized LAND governance and thereby kind of becoming a state in the Metaverse owned by the community and

3) by allowing the utilisation of Big Data and AI to converge the Metaverse with the Dataverse.