Interviews GameAntz “Welcome to the first DeFi project with its own fully functional MMORPG dAPP”


1) Thank you for coming to Asia Blockchain Community. GameAntz, can you tell us about your team and your experiences in the crypto market?

Our Team is comprised of several engineers and blockchain-related experts in different areas not only in crypto but also in software development based on DevOps and Cloud. We have participated as a company in developing several products for third parties. GameAntz is our own project, a dream we envisioned years ago that was first intended to run on FIAT with a different approach in mind that now has turned to crypto and will grow into a vibrant ecosystem aiming to merge two huge communities for the better.

2) Next, tell us about GameAntz. What is your unique proposition?

Our main goal is to bring hundreds of millions of online gamers into this project. One remarkable feature about GameAntz in regards to product global acceptance is we don´t need to place a new product in the market and build a community around it since we take advantage of the already built huge communities of gamers for all the popular titles that are supported within the ecosystem.

3) What marketing have you pursued so far or what do you have in the works for the near future to continue to help your ecosystem?

We have conducted several banner campaigns (still ongoing) on many important crypto sites in order to create awareness of our product. Many AMA has been also done so we are aware that many people already know we are here. Within the coming days, we are going to be targetting gaming clubs worldwide through different actions aimed to create several initial partnerships with these clubs that will be our first testers for the initial titles that will be included in our first APP release and will also be entitled to win huge prizes. Our goal is to have around 100k users interacting within the platform. We are just rounding up the agreement these entities will be presented with and we will be publishing every new partnership through our social media along with publications from the gaming clubs themselves (this said, only gaming clubs with a certain active online presence will be able to join this partnership program). As they use to play on a daily basis (many are also followed by huge names in the gaming panorama as they are inactive competition) this will also greatly help us to tune our anti-cheat technology that represents a must in order to bring huge gamers into GameAntz.

4) You will be launching the APP first which will launch on windows first, do you have plans of expanding to the mobile market as well, and with who?

The APP launching initially for Windows systems has to do with the proper API integration and the ability of the APP to properly capture and send in-game events to dApp in real-time. We understand that expanding to mobile markets will represent a huge milestone in the future for the project as there are hundreds of millions of potential holders that do mobile gaming and this is why we are taking this into consideration in every step of the APP designing. Of course not every game we can offer to PC users would be available for mobile users since the way mobile versions of some of the games behave for IOS/Android is different and also some system permissions cannot be avoided so not every game would be supported… but we will definitely go mobile in one way or another even with fewer games offered as any tiny step in providing support for only 4 games on mobile would mean millions of new holders.

5) Can you tell our listeners about the DAPP dashboard and how it benefits the users of your ecosystem?

We have a main Dashboard already in place that we will start updating in real-time within the coming days being the Staking utility the first to be released. Our live dashboard comprises the integration and interaction of several independent dApps that complement each other in several ways. We have the general token dashboard that will be fully functional and updated soon showing all relevant metrics in real-time. The token Staking dApp that we are to deliver in the following days since we are trying to maximize our APY to holders by allowing them to stake for longer periods and claim rewards after a set “timelock” of no more than 9 days (rewards real-time calculator to be included). The NFT Minting dApp that we are to make available most probably in three weeks along with the NFT staking that will be accessible from the Account and will feature 5 different staking options short after. The Gantz Swap will allow gamers to be able to purchase Gantz straight from their credit cards using FIAT or swap other tokens for Gantz in order to be able to interact within the ecosystem. Our own NFT marketplace is already in the testing phase. GantzCoach, will be closely related to the Gaming Dapp by recording all user relevant in-game events and last missions results along with several metrics aimed at improving user performance gameplay towards future missions they join. A direct access to APP UPDATE that users will have to click on every time we add new games in order to be able to join new missions from the Gaming Dapp (otherwise system will not allow to join since the APP will have no support for the latest games added or missions updated in dApp) and last our Gaming Dapp. From here users will be able to access the whole list of titles available along with three missions to join with an entry fee starting at around 0.5$ value per participant in Gantz tokens.

6) Can you tell our community how many supported games you have that will work on the DAPP, and is there potentially more in the near future as well?

We plan to release the dApp with support for 8 games. Currently tested with success for Valorant, CS:GO, League of Legends, Fornite and GTAV (again all of them are on Windows systems only). One month after the release of the dApp after all testings are done we plan to keep implementing from 1 to 2 new games every 2/3 weeks and target those games’ huge communities. We have full support for more than 900 online games just we might not need to implement them all since we will focus on those that have the biggest communities as they will for sure perform better not only in terms of marketing and profit for the holders that are not interested in gaming but also in terms of server performance. Is always better to focus on 25-30 games that will already drive millions of users instead of overloading the servers with the continuous generation of new missions for hundreds of games that will show less interaction or awake less interest from their communities (not mentioning any of those “low-performance” titles in particular but we got the updated data of which games to target in terms of daily PC users)

7) We understand that you might be looking for pro streamers in the future, what would be the benefit for the streamer who joins your platform?

This is a really nice question as we are currently trying to find a good streaming partner in order to move forward and we are already in talks with one of them that allows for anonymous streaming from just a wallet without collecting any further user data. We are to allow streamers to monetize from their matches from the Dapp and we are also working on a system to implement a referral’s unique users link since we would also like viewers to be able to earn Gantz by monetizing their time in front of the screen watching other’s gameplay (bear in mind that our main monetization will not come from token taxes when claiming from dApp but from non-intrusive third party advertisement that will be shown both in dApp and Windows APP) since we believe it is also fair to our viewers to be able to gain Gantz by watching other gamers missions. By the way, we have not stated this anywhere before, but we want to use 10% of all money generated from our advertising to direct buyback of the token, this reverting indirect token price soar.

8) I read that you are building your own metaverse. When will that happen? What will it be like?

Well, even tho this is not stated in our roadmap we are already doing tests with it and expect to be able to release a working accessible version to our holders very soon. All we can say for now is it works like a charm in terms of engine performance and it will feature several utilities to our NFTs holders we are to reveal before our NFT minting starts. Users will also be able to acquire GALANDS and some territories will be reserved for special partners that we are already in talks with but cannot be revealed yet.

9) You will be looking for token partnerships in the future, can you tell us what you are looking for in a partner to join within your ecosystem?

We can certainly implement any token to be able to interact within our ecosystem yet allowing this token to behave the way Gantz does (more or less) and users to be able to join missions with prize pools created in said token (let’s say Doge, for example, etc…) for the moment this will not happen since we really want our Gantz to reach a certain Market Cap before starting to outline this kind of partnerships but for sure whatever decision we make in the coming future will certainly always benefit GameAntz holders.

10) Can you leave a quote or famous saying for all of us to remember you something to really makes your project stand out?

“Instead of investing in charts, invest in disruptive projects carried out by visionaries. Don’t be afraid to share that same vision and row together. You will discover that there is no single goal, but as your benefit increases, you will certainly enjoy the journey and always know that you have been part of something unique that has changed the lives of many… forever.”