1) Good evening all in Asia. It is AMA session with PocketDoge. Please introduce yourself and give a brief intro about your teammates too.
Hey there! So happy to be here with you and thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. My name is Jared and I’m the CEO of Pocket Doge, with me I have Luke – our CMO, Oliver – our Chief Branding Officer, The Doctor – our brilliant dev, and last but certainly not least, Amanda – our Chief Communications Officer and my wife.
I have absolutely no problem saying that we have the greatest team in crypto.
2) What is PocketDoge all about?
It’s all about our community. It’s about creating a safe space in crypto and allowing our users to define what that means to them. Which token is safe to you? What do you want your rewards to be? Crypto was meant to be about freedom. Freedom for everybody, no matter who they are, how much they invest, or what they believe in. That freedom is great but it also has it’s drawbacks, namely, the volume of scams we see on a daily basis. We’re here to help stem that.
We’re creating a safe ecosystem called Pocket Pets. The tokens you can choose to have reflected, they’re reliable. The ones we add in the future, the partnerships we make (because we should be working together) will be verified as safe as well.
We’re creating freedom for artists, video game developers to do what they do and not have it stripped away from them. Artists to create beautiful works of art and sell them through our NFT marketplace on their own terms. And musicians to connect with other musicians and release their music, they passion, to the world, in their OWN way.
Essentially, we’re about all the good stuff crypto has to offer, kind of rolled into one cute doge.
3) Can you share with us how does your tokenomics work?
Surely. It’s a 15% reflection, which, we know, is kind of high. But it goes to good use. 8% goes right back to our holders in their choice of token, 4% to marketing so that we can tell the world about how we’re different and how great our community is, and 3% to buyback/liquidity.
The cool thing is that much like our flexibility in reflecting tokens, our tokenomics can be adjusted and fine-tuned. We’ve hardcoded upper and lower limits so of course, we can’t adjust to whatever we want. But within these parameters, we can move things around. For instance, if there’s a lot of buying going on, we can change the slider to send more to liquidity. If there’s a lot of selling, we can bump up the buyback.
Additionally, as more of our revenue comes from the products and services we develop and sell, we will have the ability to lessen taxes, should that be something the community would like to see happen.
It’s a really cool system The Doctor has developed. Revolutionary.
4) Binance (BNB), Ethereum, BUSD, USDT, Cardano (ADA) and Cake for now. Which other coins would you consider?
We’re going to let the community vote to add additional tokens. They have to be safe though. But we’ll also do partnerships with safe tokens, which helps them grow their user base and they, in turn, market us to their users. It’s all part of the Pocket Pets ecosystem.
It’s also a good place to mention that we have a few special use tokens planned in the future. Those who hold PDOGE will be given early and exclusive access.
5) Can you give us an update on your technology development?
Absolutely! Wow do we have a lot to discuss here so I’ll do my best to keep it short and to the important stuff.
We’re already 3D printing and modelling our own Pocket Pet hardware wallet. It’ll keep your tokens safe, have games, and some unique ways to let you know when you’ve received reflections.
We have a blockchain game under development with Play to earn functions, gambling, etc.
We’re developing an NFT marketplace to support artists. It gives them far more control over their art.
6) Where will your revenue stream be coming from? Tell us more about your games too.
We expect the majority of our revenue to shift at about the 6 – 8 month mark. It’ll start out with the taxes helping to feed the marketing and development of the project. As we begin to sell more and more products and services, we’ll see those numbers flip. So where, at launch, 90% may be derived from transactions, we’d hope to see that number decrease to somewhere around 30-40% within the first few months, and further as we move along.
Our gaming is a huge part of the Pocket Doge ecosystem. Doges are fun right? We want everyone to have a good time. Our first game, Danger on BSC is all about moving your Pocket Doge around to avoid all the rugs, scams and honeypots, we designed this around the idea of what a day on the BSC or any other crypto network can feel like, I know a lot of you can relate. I can’t go too much into what’s coming next, but if we’ve already amassed hundreds of hours of play on this one before we’ve even launched and within 5 days of making it, I think you can imagine what the next ones might look like. One of our high scorers had to use a mini fan on his thumbs while playing to keep the sweat from blocking the screen. I’m just saying. I’d get my fans ready.
7) Marketing is one of the key now. Tell us some of your exciting plans ahead.
So we really don’t love giving away too much of our secret sauce here, but what I will say is that our CMO Pocket Doge Luke, is insanely skilled. He’s been able to bring us from a word of mouth token, to one that everybody is speaking about.
We’ve got big plans, including BTOK, and while not entirely related to marketing, we will be doing a Certik Audit as well. This should give people additional confidence.
Prior to launch, we are also doing a Solid Proof audit and KYC.
8) What are your listing plans?
We’re going to be launching on Pancakeswap on the 12th of August. As for additional listings, it’s something we want to consider and speak with our community about.
My concern is that with reflection tokens, it’s usually the initial holders who see the worst part of the deal when listed. They don’t usually have access to those additional reflections and it tends to take people away from PCS and to an exchange instead.
So short answer. I’d like to do it. I’m into it. But I want to find a way to make it fair for everyone.
9) Bitcoin went up. Alts are moving faster.
Do you think this is also a chance for you to
“rocket” too?
Oh man. I certainly hope so! I think we may see more stable and sustained growth. We’re here for a loooong time and not going anywhere. So I’m okay if it takes us a while to build. ETH wasn’t 3K overnight. Good things come to those who wait.
All that said… Yeah. I think we’re going to Mars.
10) Can you give us an inspiring quote?
My grandfather once told me “The key to traffic is to keep moving” I’ve kind of applied that to my life. In any situation, just make sure you’re moving forward, in a positive direction, towards your destination. You’ll get there. Just keep moving.