Timothy Baldwin, CEO & Founder of PolkaParty shares insights with Blockcast.cc- “We are the ultimate DeFi service”


1) Let us welcome PolkaParty to the house. Can you first tell us more about yourself? What were your previous experiences?

I worked at the world-famous Riot Games doing market analysis. Before this, I was just a computer nerd who did data projects for fun. After working at Riot I went on to do crypto marketing for some big projects like Base Protocol and Alliance Block. I then realized I didn’t enjoy the VC function of DeFi so I set out to build PolkaParty.

2) What is PolkaParty? What are you trying to accomplish?

PolkaParty aims to create a favourable DIY DAO service that is designed for anybody to tap into the larger aspect and power of group finance. The goal of PolkaParty is to create a universal platform to make its stance in the space as the on-ramp to DeFi, since as of right now, there are many technical barriers of entry for retail investors to amass the emerging gains of the prominent industry. The ultimate goal throughout the PolkaParty experience is allowing all users to become easily integrated into the entire ecosystem of DeFi, without having to understand the vast amount of technicalities in decentralized finance. Our belief is in creating an easy to understand the user journey, as individuals will have the opportunity to chat, research, and immerse oneself in a respective party with more experienced figures, who understand the formality of more lucrative methods within crypto. At the front hem of our PolkaParty experience, we heavily focus on an easy to use and understand the system that is driven by person-to-person chatting, similar to gaming features that allow the user’s to party up with friends at any time to conquer the challenges ahead.

As a result, PolkaParty is a DeFi service that allows users to pool their money together without relinquishing complete control over that money. This can only occur with the use of a smart contract and is a truly unique and contemporary use of blockchain technology. PolkaParty took this path in order to allow the average Joe the ability to compete with large venture capital funds as well as hedge funds. I came up with this concept when I worked for a huge VC firm that consistently made 10x gains on the token listing then dumped on the public. Now large parties of individuals will be able to control their money and be considered a “whale” or fiscal market participant with an influential sum of funds. We created this because we saw a hole in the market. Retail investors keep getting squashed by whales and when chaos is happening, like a bear market, investors need to be able to band together in order to navigate the sea of losses.

3) Why PolkaParty? How is your ecosystem making a difference?

I created PolkaParty in order to level the playing field. We see the large VCs and the whales win too often in crypto. The reason being is that they control enough funds to move the market. The small fish doesn’t have that whale power until they all school together. Then they have the power of large firms for the first time in their lives. At the end of it all, I guess we are building a platform to give power to people who didn’t have it before.

4) How can we gain access to Kickbacks?

You gain access to KickBacks by minting NFTs associated with them. The first KickBack NFT comes in the form of our Partypes concept. The pApe holders will be given access to a party that receives a KickBack of monthly revenue in the form of POLP dropped to the wallet.

5) Can we know more about your yield farming parties model?

Yield Farming parties stem from the fact that some yield farms grow exponentially depending on the portion of the farm that a user owns. So if a group of users are able to add more in the form of a party their returns are potentially larger.

6) What are your marketing plans for the next 3-6 months?

We have a huge influencer campaign rolling out with access to 23 million followers. We are everywhere including, 4chan, BitcoinTalk, Reddit, you name it we got it. We are in the stage of the business where we are full speed ahead with getting the product in front of as many eyes as possible.

7) POLP is the PolkaParty governance token and it is the mind and soul of everything I have seen so far. Can you tell us more?

It lets people into the central governing PolkaParty, but it needs to be used to access, create or leave a party. Furthermore, you buy all NFTs on-site with POLP. The token itself is really interesting since it’s the first Erc-20 auto liquidity contract.

8) PolkaPlace is another interesting product line. Can we know what should we expect from it?

Expect more PartyPasses, but we are trying to bridge the NFT Minting onto the platform. So you will mint NFTs for the platform through our DAPP

9) Care to share what are your listing plans?

Today we will be listing in approximately 10 hours on Uniswap! Join https://t.me/PolkaParty for updates!

10) To end off this segment, can you share an inspiring quote with all?

I think DeFi wasn’t ever supposed to be a money grab. There is so much focus now on the money that goes between people rather than the people themselves. Eventually, the builders will start caring about the user again and that is when true innovation will arise.